REACH substance identification in a laboratory – REACH testing services.
We characterize the chemical composition of your substances as part of the REACH registration process.
REACH is an acronym for the “registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals”. It is a European regulation which requires that producers or importers of chemical substances, including mixtures, register their substances with the ECHA (European Chemical Agency) if they produce/import more than one ton of said substances per year.
REACH substance identification (substance ID) testing through appropriate test allows the accurate identification of a substance which is a key requirement for the REACH processes.
To carry out these tests on all kinds of matrices, EkotechLAB uses a diverse set of analytical techniques :
HPLC-MS/MS, HPLC-DAD, HPLC-ELSD (Liquid Chromatography)
GC-FID, GC-MS, (Gas Chromatography)
IC (Ion Chromatography)
ICP (Inductively coupled plasma)
FTIR (Infrared Spectroscopy)
UV-Vis (Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy)
NMR (Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy)
XRF (X-ray fluorescence)
XRD (X-ray diffraction)
TGA (Thermogravimetric analysis)
SEM-EDX (Scanning Electron Microscopy)
Our scientists are experienced in delivering high quality analytical testing for substance identity and sameness providing a comprehensive REACH testing to meet your REACH needs.
We have many years of experience delivering substance identity reports for mono- and multi-constituent substances as well as UVCB.
If you wish to know more about our substance identification services, feel free to contact us !